Done with Rejections

There is a nicer way to reject. By saying good bye. Or even saying nothing is good. But blocking someone on social network is totally a different shit. That's like you're killing someone or committing suicide in a hope that things wont haunt you. Let me assure that would not be the case.

It happened to me many times. I'm expecting an answer, but instead of an answer I get blocked. I never did this to anyone except I'm usually open to criticism. And even when a person is extremely offensive against me, I would listen to him, let him say his shit, I would just not respond may be, but I would not block him.

Many a times it happened that people said offending things to me and I listened without a response. But at a later stage, we met again and they apologized, and we became friends again. But I think as the population has grown, the value of a person has decreased significantly. People now think that if they cut-off with one person, it wont be a big deal...

I'm done with this kind of rejection seriously. But I can't figure out a way to stop this from happening. There is always a block feature on social network. And it gets mis-used.

A few days ago, a colleague of mine unfriended me on a social network. But she didn't block me, so I asked her if everything was ok? And she had some personal reasons which she didn't tell me. But told me that she has some personal reasons. So, I have no grudge against her. One the contrary I actually liked the way she did it. 

But on the other hand, there are people who, if you say something that they find offensive, not just unfriend you, but block you. Leaving any way left to reconcile. I just want to tell those people that you are bludy cowards and I hate you!


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