
Showing posts from July 24, 2011

I Have a New Blog ;)

It's here :

FreeBSD Destroyed my Ethernet Cards

Just an old story came in my mind and I thought I should inform you guys too. Those who try to run freebsd on their PCs. I had two lan cards, one intel and other 3com. I installed intel one first and I was using it for more than two or three months. Then I installed freebsd and I saw improvement in my Internet speed. I was very happy with freebsd initially. But after about two weeks of using freebsd, my lan-card started to malfunction. I thought that my lan card is not working under freebsd may it's because somehow my software has got corrupt. So I installed windows again. But the lan cards stopped working. My lan-cards reception was fine but the transmission had completely stopped working. I took it as normal, I got a new lan-card, installed and start working on my pc using windows again. About a month later, I had a thought about installing freebsd again, because it was faster on Internet than windows. So, that's what I did. Installed freebsd to enjoy faster internet. But the...

Improving wordpress

Wordpress sucks... I have about 2,000,000 records at and the system is on it's knees... That's totally bad. I don't like it. I had so much good thoughts about wordpress.. but hey, there is one good thing about it.. it's very flexible. And I'm going to use it's flexibility!!! It's time to get my website running again. and it's time to improve it's database... If I get some following here, I might upload the improved beast for free!!! :) Let the hacking begin... I'm thinking about uploading my progress at