Israeli Brutality and What Should be Our Stance
I'm not a supporter of Alqaeda or any kind of terrorism. But here's what I think about the state of israel. State of israel is a terrorist state. Jews have a history of crimes against humanity. Jews think they're superior than the rest of the mankind and the rest of the mankind is inferior to them. Jews can kill people whenever they like and no-one is justified to say a word against them. I'm fed-up of people who try to differentiate between jews and zionists. In my opinion all jews are either zionists or they're the reason zionism is prevailing. So directly or indirectly they're involved in whatever the shit is happening. There's a piece of history that they ignore. Whenever their brutality and ruthlessness goes out of bound, ALLAH create someone who slaughters them and show them what they're really worth. For example the most recent thing that happened against them was what they call holocaust, Hitler and his army slaughtered them, but at that d...