Permalink Structure
WordPress permalink structure has given me nightmares lately. I had been thinking what is the reason for my website ( being too slow? Half of he answer came out to be the permalink structure.
My permalink structure was something like this
but I never thought that it would draw a huge CPU time out of the 30 seconds slot. First wordpress compiles the permalink, then it uses the search function (the worst) to find slugs if I’m not mistaken and ID which is a part of permalink structure is never thought about in the wordpress. So the searching was drawing a huge amount of processing speed slowing the overall website down.
But there seems to be nothing that I can do about it. When I remove the permalink structure and set permalink to default morphology the old links start to give 404 errors thus breaking all my links that are coming in from google and other search engines etc which can lose me quite a traffic.
So, I installed a plugin calle...