So, it's been long since I posted on my or any-one else's blog. Thanks to my PTCL's DSL connection which is up once again after about 4 and a half days. I was reading Asmi's Journal today and found out that she didn't gave any answer to my comment. The post on which I commented last is gone too. So, I think the thing is, she has a bad feeling about me because I did discourage her a bit in my second-last comment. So, this and a few more things that happened made me write this post. When I was a kid, I was stupid. I used to trust everyone very quickly. I used to make friends very quickly too. So, I had many friends, all beautiful, intelligent, sober etc. etc. According to me, they had all the good qualities. As in everyone's life, people come and go, people came and went away in my life too. But let me tell you what was my criteria of distinguishing between good and bad people. Good people look good, they have clean teeth, combed hair, smiling face, they talk wit...
I had been watching T.V. a few years ago and searching for a T.V. Based on Islam. There I found religious (apparently Muslim) T.V. channel but to my horrible surprise, I saw in it the qadyanis preaching their religion. So, As it just came into my mind, I thought I should write something about that group also. According to Qadyanis, they are "True Muslims" or at least Muslims, but please be advised, they are not muslims at all. Qadyani-ism was started from Pakistan and then it was supported by many countries especially USA and England etc. Quadyani was one of the most famous debators of his age. His articles were given most importance in the Muslim world especially Pakistan. But then things changed. At the first he claimed to be Issa (AS) or Jesus, According to him, he had the qualities what Hazrat Mohammad (Peace be upon him) informed us that Issa AS would have (He was wrong, he had none of the qualities let me leave it for the moment). He also said that he is a Nabi or Proph...
So, it's a new day and the electricity has already started flickering thought government has announced a continuous electric supply for three days (this was second by the way). Yesternight we had samosas . They were so tasty AlhamduLILLAH. And the most remarkable thing that happened was that I was involved in cooking too. I actually made the samosas and did the fillings. As far as I remember, I never cooked anything in our (about) 1.5 years of marriage. If you plan to try them do, make some more and send to your neighbours too! I hope they're gonna love'em ;)